
原创 [db:作者]  2021-03-25 09:34  评论 0 条


Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International
Affairs, is a world-leading policy institute based in London.
Our mission is to help governments and societies build
asSsustainably secure, prosperous and just world.Contents

Summary 2
01 Introduction 3
02 The COVID-19 app: how big tech outwitted the UK government 6
03 ls COVID-19 changing the cybercrime landscape? 18
04 The infodemic and COVID-19 disinformation 28
05 Conclusion |
About the authors 43
Acknowledgments 44

1 Chatham House

2 Chatham House

一 The context ofthe COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized that, more than evem,

governments and businesses have to reinvent themselves through the fuller
integration of digital technology in all aspects of their work, and that they must
Pursue long-term digital transformation in order to compete and operate both
nationally and internationally. Otherwise, they risk falling behind, unable

to fnd their place in an altered global landscape.

The issues encountered during the development of track-and-trace apps as Part
of the fight against COVID-19 have highlighted signifticant differences in levels
of accountability and transparency between the public and private sectors. This
has underlined the areas of tension between corporate power and the authority
of democratically elected governments, and the capacity of tech companies
notjust to deploy Soft power in the form oflobbying, but also to block access
to essential technologies,

The fragmented response to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought renewed
focus on the lack of internationally agreed technical standards that are both
Privacy-Tespecting and secure by design. Such standards could potentially offer
interoperability 计individuals travel overseas, while at the same time guarding
against Overreach by some governments,

It remains to be seen whether the mechanisms and networks that have been
established in response to the Trise in cybercrime during the pandemic w计

be leveraged for the long term to sustain progress on cybercrime cooperation,
These could prove to be enormously helpful in addressing the challenges that
have long impeded effective cooperation on cybercrime between the public
and Private sectors and criminal justice actors within and across borders,

一 As certain countries are now being accused of violating agreed norms during

the pandemic, and with the increased blurring of the boundary between State
and non-state cyber activity, the gulfbetween major cyber powers will likely
only continue to grow. This could ultimately hinder progress in trying to build
Some consensus across the international commtunity on the issue offuture
cyber norms; and, further could negatively impact practical cooperation
across borders on cybercrime and other cyber-related issues.

The infodemic that has accompanied COVID-19 has made it clear that despite
social media companies: efforts to date, problems persist in tackling cyber
influence operations and are Unlikely to go away tnless the Platforms radically
change their business model - a move that will hurt their bottom line and thus
one that they will have every iDPcentive to avoid.





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版权声明:英国皇家国际事务研究所-新冠大流行和技术趋势(英文)-2021.2-48页.pdf_【行业报告下载】》,版权归 [db:作者] 所有,侵删!

