
原创 [db:作者]  2021-03-25 09:40  评论 0 条

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Foreword 3
Introduction 4
Chemicals 10
Oil andg gas 13
Power utilities and renewables 17
Mining and metals 21
Cross-sector Solutions 23
Conclusion 24
Contacts 25
Endnotes 28

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2The 2030 decarbonization challenge | The path to the future of energy


The global energy mix is shifting from fossilfuels to
renewables. There are apundant examples of both public
and private organizations working harg to decarbonize

the economy. Asthis energytransformation or “Green
Deal” gains momentum, new ecosystems are forming angd
new technologies are emerging. These developments are
helping to grow renewables, develop new energy carriers,
improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions andg create
new markets forcarbon and other by-products as part of
an increasingly circular economy.Atthe sametime many of
these commonly pursued steps to decarponization, such as
increased electrification, wide-scale use of renewable energy
and intensifying energy efficiency measures pose unidque

Many participants in tne Energy& Resources (E&R) industry
have publicly declared their intention to become carbon
neutral by 2050. While theirlong-term vision is cleanr the
more perplexing challenge for E&R companies lies in

the immediate future. Many companies are strugglingto
understang the material impacts tnat tneir stated goals are
going to have on theirvaluations, operations, employees and
markets overthe next few years.

This report explores how companies in certain sectors
ofthe E&R industry一chemicals, olland gas, mining and
metals, and power utilities and renewables一can accelerate
decarbonization overthe next dgecade andg achieve
meaningful interim targets by 2030.Introduction

Thetransition towarg a clean energyfuture is underway and
it will change almost every aspect of E&R companies\' assets

and operations. Taking a global view across sectors, the top

drivers of decarponization include:

。Customenr employee and community demands.
。|Investor pressure.
。Policy and government targets.

。Technology and operational cost reduction一a more
efficient frontier

Acloserexamination ofeach driver suggests that the
energytransition is anchored in long-term trends, which
is likelyto make icapable of withstandingthe current
economic downturn.

Customer employee and community

Agroundswellofsupportforclimate action has arisen across
the globe. 2019 saw the biggest climate protests ever as
millions tookto the streets to demand immediate action to
tackle climate change and reduce pollution. In the estimateg
185 countries where demonstrations took place, protesters
put pressure on governments and businesses to address
urgent sustainability issues, Such as rising sea levels in the
Solomon Islands, toxic waste in South Africa, air pollution
and plastic waste in India, and expansion of coal extraction
in Australia.2The economic shutdowns in 2020 in response
to the coronavirus pandemic have frther highlighted the
environmental damage ang pollution that have become the
norm formuch ofthe worldqs population. In China and India,
forexample, the skies cleared overindustrial centers forthe
first time in years.34


The 2030 decarbonization challenge | The path to the future of energy

The change in consumer attitudes, activism and the
positive impact of reduced mobility and industry on the
environment is apparently gettingthrough to companies
and industries. More and more are acknowledgingthat
they need to embrace a low-carbon future not onlyfor

the sake of the planet, but to improve customerloyalty

and assure their Iong-term viabilty. .Agrowing body of
evidence reflects this shift in sentiment. For instance, nearly
three-quarters of United States business respondents in
the 2020 Deloitte Resources Study said their customers
are demandingthatthey procure a certain percentage of
electricityfrom renewable resources, and a rising portion
(77%) actively publicize sourcing of renewables.5 From
sustainable building materials to green minerals, demand is
also increasing forothercarbon-neutral products beyond
energy Meanwhile, ashift in generational values has
occurred.Youngeremployees increasingly wantto workfor
companies that benefit society in addition to producing a
profit.5The recent rise in employee activism suggests that
employees are increasingly monitoring company responses
to issues, ranging from gun controlto climate change to the
coronavirus pandemic.

Policy and government targets

Where the publicleads, policymakers eventually follow.
Climate strikes and marches aroundg the globe have
ilustrated tnat pothn employees and customers mean
business when it comes to emission reductions. With large
swathes ofthe public demanding action on climate change,
many governments now have a mandate to set Carbon-
reduction targets and enact green legislation.






版权声明:德勤-迈向2030脱碳之路(英文)-2021.2-31页.pdf_【行业报告下载】》,版权归 [db:作者] 所有,侵删!

