
原创 loveyou i  2023-05-14 16:12  评论 0 条

免费领500g书库,关注公众号:程叫兽的宝藏 (长按可复制!)



1. \"Lean In\" by Sheryl Sandberg - This book offers insights and practical advice for women who aspire to leadership positions in their careers.

2. \"The Confidence Code\" by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman - This book provides practical tips and guidance on how to boost self-confidence and overcome self-doubt.

3. \"Becoming\" by Michelle Obama - In this memoir, Michelle Obama shares her journey from a young girl growing up on the South Side of Chicago to becoming the first African American First Lady of the United States.

4. \"Year of Yes\" by Shonda Rhimes - This memoir by the hit TV show creator details how saying yes to everything for a year helped her overcome her fears and lead a more fulfilling life.

5. \"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People\" by Stephen Covey - This classic self-help book offers practical advice on how to improve productivity and achieve personal goals.

6. \"Girl, Wash Your Face\" by Rachel Hollis - This motivational book challenges women to identify and overcome the lies they believe about themselves in order to live a more authentic life.

7. \"The Body Book\" by Cameron Diaz - This book explores the science behind how the female body works and provides practical advice for optimal health and wellness.

8. \"The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo\" by Amy Schumer - In this memoir, comedian Amy Schumer shares her personal journey and offers insight into the challenges and triumphs of being a woman in a male-dominated industry.

9. \"The Power of Now\" by Eckhart Tolle - This spiritual book provides guidance on how to live in the present moment and achieve inner peace.

10. \"The Art of Possibility\" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander - This book offers a unique perspective on success and encourages readers to approach life with curiosity and creativity.




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版权声明:事业女性推荐书(歧视女性的书推荐)》,版权归 loveyou i 所有,侵删!

